Thursday, March 26, 2015

Alfred Hitchcock

When examining each groups blog posts regarding Alfred Hitchcock I came to understand his movies a bit more and appreciate what he has done for the movie industry.  By looking at all four topics that were presented I was able to look at Alfred Hitchcock and the three movies we viewed in class better.  When researching the historical context of Alfred Hitchcock I came across some interesting facts.  One of these facts include the Motion Picture Production Code.  This was a set of rules that filmmakers had to follow or there films were unable to be shown to the public.  One of the rules included the ban of blood from films.  During Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho we know that the bathroom scene has a good amount of 'blood' in it.  Hitchcock got away with this because it was a black and white film.  When looking at the technology aspect of Hitchcock we are really looking at his camera usage.  Hitchcock portrayed a lot of information and emotions through the use of cameras rather than words.  You can watch one of his films and put together the setting without many words from the characters.  You can put together the location, time, temperature, etc.  The camera angle also likes to portray the intensity of situations through the use of zoom and music.  The shower scene from psycho wouldn't have been as intense without the music.  When looking at the ethical decisions made in Hitchcock there are a couple of conclusions that can be made.  One of these conclusions is Hitchcock's view on privacy.  If there was a breach in privacy or dishonesty Hitchcock saw nothing wrong with it as long as it was used for a good cause.  You can see this throughout Vertigo and Rear Window.  When looking at the psychology of Hitchcock there is something that you can notice when watching the movies.  The main characters typically have something 'off' about them.  Since they are acting unusual it allows the plot to build up and suspense to be created.  For example, in Vertigo the main character experiences vertigo and as a result some plot twists happen when he has these experiences.  In Psycho we acknowledge that there is something wrong with Norman Bates when he is around other people, and especially when they reference his mother.  In Rear Window we see that the main character has developed an obsession with his neighbor.  He constantly watches him through binoculars until he is able to uncover the truth.

Through examining these four aspects I have been able to appreciate Hitchcock more.  Not only does his use of camera angles intensify the situation but it also tells a story in itself.  Hitchcock also shows his ethics in Vertigo and Rear Window by showing both characters either being dishonest or invading someone's privacy.  Hitchcock portrays this as acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.  Hitchcock also shows the main characters having something off about them whether it be an obsession, illness, or both.  All of these aspects create a suspenseful and thrilling movie that keeps viewers captivated.  Through this I can see how Hitchcock has influenced the movie industry by showing the world just what a camera can do.  Hitchcock shows that the use of a camera can overcome any CGI as long as the director knows how to use it.  Hitchcock uses little dialogue but conveys the plot through the actors expression and camera angles.  Overall, these four aspects have made me appreciate Hitchcock and his contribution to the movie industry.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Historical Context of Alfred Hitchcock

Click on the link (or copy and paste) to view a PowerPoint on Google Slides about the Historical Context of Alfred Hitchcock.