Thursday, March 26, 2015

Alfred Hitchcock

When examining each groups blog posts regarding Alfred Hitchcock I came to understand his movies a bit more and appreciate what he has done for the movie industry.  By looking at all four topics that were presented I was able to look at Alfred Hitchcock and the three movies we viewed in class better.  When researching the historical context of Alfred Hitchcock I came across some interesting facts.  One of these facts include the Motion Picture Production Code.  This was a set of rules that filmmakers had to follow or there films were unable to be shown to the public.  One of the rules included the ban of blood from films.  During Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho we know that the bathroom scene has a good amount of 'blood' in it.  Hitchcock got away with this because it was a black and white film.  When looking at the technology aspect of Hitchcock we are really looking at his camera usage.  Hitchcock portrayed a lot of information and emotions through the use of cameras rather than words.  You can watch one of his films and put together the setting without many words from the characters.  You can put together the location, time, temperature, etc.  The camera angle also likes to portray the intensity of situations through the use of zoom and music.  The shower scene from psycho wouldn't have been as intense without the music.  When looking at the ethical decisions made in Hitchcock there are a couple of conclusions that can be made.  One of these conclusions is Hitchcock's view on privacy.  If there was a breach in privacy or dishonesty Hitchcock saw nothing wrong with it as long as it was used for a good cause.  You can see this throughout Vertigo and Rear Window.  When looking at the psychology of Hitchcock there is something that you can notice when watching the movies.  The main characters typically have something 'off' about them.  Since they are acting unusual it allows the plot to build up and suspense to be created.  For example, in Vertigo the main character experiences vertigo and as a result some plot twists happen when he has these experiences.  In Psycho we acknowledge that there is something wrong with Norman Bates when he is around other people, and especially when they reference his mother.  In Rear Window we see that the main character has developed an obsession with his neighbor.  He constantly watches him through binoculars until he is able to uncover the truth.

Through examining these four aspects I have been able to appreciate Hitchcock more.  Not only does his use of camera angles intensify the situation but it also tells a story in itself.  Hitchcock also shows his ethics in Vertigo and Rear Window by showing both characters either being dishonest or invading someone's privacy.  Hitchcock portrays this as acceptable as long as it's for a good cause.  Hitchcock also shows the main characters having something off about them whether it be an obsession, illness, or both.  All of these aspects create a suspenseful and thrilling movie that keeps viewers captivated.  Through this I can see how Hitchcock has influenced the movie industry by showing the world just what a camera can do.  Hitchcock shows that the use of a camera can overcome any CGI as long as the director knows how to use it.  Hitchcock uses little dialogue but conveys the plot through the actors expression and camera angles.  Overall, these four aspects have made me appreciate Hitchcock and his contribution to the movie industry.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Historical Context of Alfred Hitchcock

Click on the link (or copy and paste) to view a PowerPoint on Google Slides about the Historical Context of Alfred Hitchcock.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

The Undeserved Detention

I was in the fifth grade, I had finally settled down at Forest Oak Elementary School.  I had only arrived there a year earlier.  I was interested in playing an instrument because you were allowed to in fifth grade.  My mom took me to the music store to pick out an instrument.  At the time I had the motto ‘the bigger the better.’  I picked out the biggest instrument my mom would allow me to.  I picked out the bells, part of the percussion set.  They were about 20-30 pounds, heavy for a fifth grader.  I joined band at my school and began to play the bells.  I learned how to read and play music.
I had to walk upstairs with my bells and outside twice a week.  I didn’t enjoy carrying the bells at all.  I played the Harry Potter theme as a solo during one of the concerts.  I enjoyed playing the bells.  I enjoyed the sound that vibrated off the keys, the light hearted notes always made me happy.  Since the bells were heavy I would occasionally use the elevator in the school.  One day a girl from my class came up to me.  Her name was Katie.  If I ever had a true bully, it was her.  On the first day of school she turned to me and told me, “We can either do this the easy way or the hard way.”  She made my life hard sometimes, like the story I am telling you now.
Katie and her friend approached me one day after I came off the elevator.  She had told me that I wasn’t allowed to ride the elevator anymore.  She said that if I did she was going to tell a teacher and that I would be put in detention.  I said I wouldn’t, and I didn’t.  I walked up the stairs the next time I had band practice.  As I was leaving the stairwell Katie and her friend approached me.  She said that she saw me using the elevator today and that she was going to tell the teacher.  I tried to tell her that I used the stairs and that she saw me leave them but she wouldn’t have it.  She just wanted me to get in trouble for whatever reason.
I ended up getting detention that day.  I sat in a classroom during recess.  I had my arms folded on the desk and my head laid between them.  I cried silently trying to figure out why I was in detention.  I didn’t do anything wrong!  I listened and followed directions.  I didn’t use the elevator when I was told not to and I still got in trouble.  To make matters worse the next day announcements came on and said that students (unless disabled) are not allowed to use the elevator unless given permission.  This is a day I will never forget, the day I got detention that I never deserved.  

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Elevator Music

When watching 'Elevator Music' I felt two different purposes.  One was a plain purpose of respect others and they will respect you.  The other purpose that I saw was that people are diverse, and no matter what we can't make everyone uniform, but we can make people respect each other's diversity.  I lean towards my second purpose because I feel this lays a bit deeper than the first.

When looking at the video you see a diverse population.  You have a young woman, an elderly man, a middle aged woman, and more.  I believe the director made this film as a way of telling people that acceptance is necessary no matter what race, gender, or sexuality one holds.  It is obvious that the people in the elevator have different tastes in music.  There's rap, classic, electronic, etc.  The music represents the diverse culture in the room along with the diverse group of people.  In the end a man comes in with a boom box and everyone turns their music off and they seem to begin to get along.  I believe the director made this video as a way of telling people that acceptance takes everyone, but can be instigated by one simple action.  I made this assumption through the culturally diverse group and how they began fighting with their music, but in the end they were tied together by one common factor.  I believe this factor was their love for music.  Everyone listened to it, and even though the music is diverse, they all love music.

The target audience of this video is basically everyone, everyone who thinks they're better than someone else based on their culture,  This video is telling people to show respect no matter how culturally different you are.  The video also is saying that no matter how culturally different you may seem there is always something that ties everyone together.  That is why I believe the intended audience are those who believe that they are superior due to their culture.

Friday, February 6, 2015

If I were to pick ten songs that described my life they wouldn't actually describe my life.  These songs resonate inside me and bring back memories (whether good or bad).  When these memories are brought back I look at them from a different angle each time, and each time I have a different thought and feeling about them.  So, the top ten songs that describe my life (that appear in no particular order) are as follows:

1.) Beer for My Horses by Toby Keith (Featuring Willie Nelson)
My family introduced to me to country at a very early age.  They would constantly listen to it no matter what they were doing.  They would especially listen to it in the car (until Rihanna sneaked her way in).  Now just know that when I say country, I am talking about early 2000's.  I am talking about the good country, the country that didn't remotely sound of pop.  Nowadays my family is not what you would consider a typical family, we were never a typical family to begin with.  I have my mother and our side of the family.  I have (had) a step dad, step sister, a step brother, and their side of the family.  It wasn't until recently that I went from being a middle child to an only child.  This song is a reminder that what we had wasn't bad, we had good times.  Though I still love them and always will it is just my mom and I now.  All I know is that this song makes me smile because it was one of my first and favorite songs as a child and reminds me that though things have changed in the present, nothing changes in the past.  I may not be close to my step family, but I was, and that's all that really matters to me.

2.) Angel by Shaggy
Whenever I hear this song it brings back memories of my mom and I in the car.  When this song came on we would sing it (as much of it as we could)!  We still sing it whenever it comes, but it doesn't come on as much as it used to.  This song makes me want to break into a smile and laugh.  This song is the definition of happiness for me.  The only thing I can think about when I listen to this song is my mom and I jamming out to this song, laughing and not having a care in the world.  It was just us in a car -mother and daughter- singing "Girl you're my angel, you're my darling angel," completely off pitch.  Though this song has only multiple repetitive memories it defines my happiness.  This song will continue to have added memories of pure happiness, which is something you usually have to look for.  Pure happiness appeared to me, I didn't have to look for it.  The other thing is that you can't be happy all the time, you don't listen to this song when you're sad because you know it will taint your pure happiness.  You listen to it when you're already happy because it reminds you that happiness comes at the most random times.

3.) I'm Gonna Getcha Good by Shania Twain
Going back to my family and country music!  My Pop Pop introduced me to Shania Twain when I was young.  Of course everyone knows her for "Man! Feel Like a Women" but I know her for this song.  My Pop Pop introduced me to her greatest hits album and I love every song on it!  My Pop Pop has done a whole lot for me over the course of my life and I can't thank him enough.  Not only did my Pop Pop introduce me to Defiance College but he is also helping pay for my education.  My Pop Pop was diagnosed with a type of lymphatic cancer a couple years ago.  It hit my family hard, and it changed my Pop Pop.  He realized that he didn't spend a lot of time with his grandchildren and that he was going to change that.  He now comes to Delaware for his chemo or doctors appointments and stays with us for a couple of days.  He can out talk anyone, but he always has a new and interesting story to tell.  He loves Jib Jab, Netflix, and Fritos.  Shania Twain in general reminds me of my Pop Pop and what a huge influence he has had on me.  This song reminds me that the decisions I make in life are decisions I can't take back.  I have accept these decisions whether they turn out good or bad, I just have to be able to turn these decisions into positive one like my Pop Pop has done.

4.) Dragostea Din Tei by O-Zone
This is a song that is sung by a Romanian band (sung in Romanian, just in case you were wondering).  This song is better known as Numa Numa and there is a viral video of a man dancing to it (which is pretty entertaining).  This song is a love song, but has a very catchy beat that you would think it was about happy rainbows and puppies.  This is a song that I can play around my friends and we can sing both the English and Romanian lyrics.  This song just screams crazy and fun to me, or friends in other words.  I can always listen to this song and think about something random that my friends and I did (and that is a lot).  This song reminds me that no matter how dull the world is around you, if you want some color you got to add it yourself.  As the chorus goes "When you leave my colors fade to gray."  You have to keep these colors and not let anyone take them away from you.  These colors are your identity, don't let anyone strip you of your identity.  So yeah, I come off a bit weird to people, but I am not changing that.  I do not want people to accept a false me and then have to adjust when I feel like I can show them my real self.  If people don't accept the real me when they meet me, then that's that.  Overall this song represents my crazy group of friends who taught me to paint my own colors and not let anyone paint them gray.

5.)  Red Is the Rose by The High Kings
This song is a rather Celtic love song.  This song reminds me of my heritage.  I am German, Irish, and Scottish.  For the past two years I have been going to the Scottish Games in Maryland.  When I go I see a part of my culture that I can connect to.  I am proud to have some Irish and Sottish in me.  The Scottish Games have held many memories that I am quite fond of.  This song makes me overwhelmed with how much culture there is in the world, and how different every one can be.  This song reminds me to be proud of my heritage and to not forget where I come from.  I get overwhelmed with pride and excitement when I sit in the bleachers and watch as hundreds of bagpipes and drummers march playing a wondrous song.  I feel a connection to everyone there even though I do not know them, and that is the exciting part.  When everyone comes together because they have something in common.

6.) I'm Already There by Lonestar
This song gives me mixed emotions depending on the events that took place over the day.  This song gives me a purpose.  This song makes me want to be a better person, I want to be there for people and help them when they need me.  The lyrics of this song show the strong bond between a man and his family.  The message I get from this song is that no matter where you are or what you are doing, you should always be there for the people you care about.  I always want to have open arms and let people know that I am there for them, because I am.  I want people to know that they have someone to talk to.  I also want to know that I have someone to talk to as well.  Not only does this song make me want to have open arms but it makes me want to have someone who will open their arms to me.  I don't have many memories when I listen to this song.  The feelings I have for this song remind me that not only do I help my friends but my friends help me, and that is all that I want when I listen to this song.  I know that I am secure, and that is how I go through my day.  I know that I am there for my friends and that they are there for me.

7.) Try by Colbie Caillet
All of my life I have had self esteem issues, and they're not fun.  Some days I feel good about myself, and other days I don't.  This song reminds me that I go through life thinking I need other people's approval, but in reality I have been looking for my own approval.  Listening to this song makes me look back and realize that I didn't need anyone's approval other than mine and I have been denying myself that.  Though I still struggle trying to give myself approval, this song let's me know that it is possible and that it will happen.  This song encompasses my self confidence, I don't need to try to be accepted by other people because the only person who needs to accept me is me.  I realize this, and that is what I live by.  I will live the rest of my life giving approval to myself rather than having other people approve me and that is what I need to do.  This song reminds me of this every time I listen to it.

8.) I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance
This song reminds me of a good amount of the struggles I went through throughout my life.  This song reminds me that I don't have be okay all of the time.  I always had to pretend I was okay because I that was the person I threw on myself, the person that was always okay.  This song made me realize that no one is okay 100% of the time.  I just need to accept that fact and embrace it.  This song has helped me realize that something is wrong. Sometimes I put on a facade that I myself forget is on and it isn't until I click this song that I realize something is wrong.  By listening to this song I can come to terms with my feelings and accept them.  I decide to take action or let them sizzle down (because it isn't worth confrontation).  As I have stated earlier I have gone through some tough times (who hasn't?),  I think if people realize that they're not okay, and that this is normal (it's part of life, not being happy all the time).  I feel like if we accept this fact we can better deal with our situations.  This song has helped me, by reminding me every time.  This song helps me solve most of my problems even when I'm not listening to it.  I will just singing the song in my head and readjust my point of view on the situation and see what actions I should take, and I am grateful that I am able to do that.

9.) River Flows In You by Yiruma
This song is the song that made me fall in love with music again.  I don't mean listening to music, I mean playing music.  I used to be a percussionist and I loved it.  I stopped after 6th grade because I my bells were too heavy to lug on the bus.  It would have been just too much when I joined softball my freshman year.  Not only did I play music but I also sung.  In fourth and fifth grade I was in my schools choir.  I was Alice in Alice in Wonderland in fifth grade, and I loved it!  I even loved to draw.  All of this artistic talent got me into a school of the art (Cab Calloway) for middle school.  I tried out for vocals and visual arts.  I didn't go though, I followed my best friend (and we're still best friends).  Hearing this song made me want to play the piano, and that is what I am doing the second semester of my freshman year in college.  This song not only entails a renewal of lost loves, but it also reminds me that I need to relax.  I take on too much stuff to keep myself busy.  If I'm not doing anything I feel like I should be doing something and I freak out a bit on the inside.  This song reminds me to take breaks and remember the things you loved.  I remember playing in concerts and singing in choir and having a blast in art class.  This song has helped me settle back into the things I love and relax.  I need to stop stressing myself out.  I need to have some free time and just delve into my hobbies.  This song is a reminder to not let my love of art go because it is part of me.

10.) Let it Go by Idina Menzel
This song encompasses a lot of the songs I have already stated.  Sometimes I need another boost after listening to these songs and this is the song I go to.  This song encompasses all of the obstacles in life that I have overcome.  It doesn't represent the struggle, but me overcoming them.  This song reminds me of all of these times and allows me to overcome the next obstacle in my path.  This song reminds me that I can't let people judge me because I can only judge myself.  I just need to let it go.  I need to overcome my challenge and move on.  I can't let this stop me from moving on forever, I need to get past it.  This song allows me to.  Overall. this song is like my inspiration song, it allows me to break though my troubles and embrace the welcoming world on the other side.

Though these songs don't necessarily describe my life in a sense of specific memories, they describe the feelings I have, which in turn describe my life.  My feelings are what makes me me.  Without them I wouldn't have the moral or values that I have.  I have to thank these songs for helping me through my life when it was tough.  I have to thank these songs for reminding me of the good times.  These songs encompass my life by not only bringing back memories but feelings as well.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

High School Vs. College

Hello there!

So you are probably worrying about college (or not) and what your experiences are going to be like.  You probably have some stereotypes in your head about college.  All I can really say is that depending on what college you choose to go to you may find some of these stereotypes to be true.  I am writing to you to inform you about the difference you will find when you transition from high school to college.

One of the things you need to know is that when you go to college, your classes are not a continuation of your high school courses.  You will find that there are no more standardized tests!  You will also find that though the knowledge you learned in high school can come in handy in some college classes, you will find these things being applied differently.  You have to realize that these professors with different teaching styles.  It is not their responsibility to make sure you do your homework or that you pass a test.  I learned rather quickly that my classes though are similar to my high school ones they are defiantly different in the material that is stressed!  I had to rewire my brain so that I could learn how my professors taught versus thinking they taught just like my high school teachers!

You may also want to take note that college requires new kinds of motivations and self-discipline.  You have to realize that you do not have a set schedule anymore.  You don't go to school, come home, do homework, eat dinner, do something, and go to bed.  Your schedule will have gaps and you will experience night classes.  You will realize that college has more freedom than high school.  And for this very reason you need to develop time management skills.  You do not have your parents, teachers, or school officials pushing you to do your work.  You have to find your own motivation to do these things, your old motivation will do very little for you.  You need to develop time management skills that will suite you so you can get your work done.  You will also need to find new motivation and since it can be anything it is up to you to find it.  I had motivation for the first week or two of school.  Afterwards I fell behind.  I didn't fail or necessarily get bad grades but I found myself procrastinating like never before.  It was bad, extremely late nights, exhausting mornings, eating whenever, and not wanting to do anything.  It took a while for me to adjust and occasionally I fall into a pattern resembling my bad one, but I can easily switch if I try!

Your lifestyle will change when you go to college, for some this may be good and for others not so much.  You might have a negative impact when you go through the transition.  You may gain weight, have an increase in your stress level, begin to fail courses, and fail to discipline yourself.  Just know you are not alone.  The first step to overcoming these drawbacks is to find something (or things) that motivates you.  You can't do anything until you have accomplished this.  Once you have found your motivation don't take advantage of it.  Start small and work your way up.  You will not experience results immediately but eventually you will start see change.  The college lifestyle hit me hard, and I am currently still adjusting to it.  I took it one step at a time and so far it is working rather well.  Sometimes I do grow impatient from waiting for results, but then I have to tell myself they don't come immediately!

The last thing I want to inform you about is the amount of services your college offers you.  You paid a lot of money (or barely any) to go to college.  Your college is not just going to leave you in the dust.  If you look you will find many services your college offers you.  Your college may also display them.  Your college wants you to succeed, they do not set you up for failure like you may think.  Your college's library is the best place to get work done.  Utilize the librarians, they are there for a reason.  Your college may also have a program that is designed to help students succeed and may offer other services.  Such services may include study tables, workshops, tutors, and/or writing facilities.  If you take the time to get familiar with them you will realize how helpful these can be.  Not only does your college offer pristine study areas but they also offer useful tools that will help you succeed in college.  Just remember, college's want you to succeed!  I truly didn't know just how much my college offers me until I took a giant step back and pieced all that the college has told me.  I am beginning to utilize the services my college offers me more and more.  Each time I am glad I did because I can get my work done with little distractions and as best as I can!  It can be hard to find time, but you will manage.  I managed to and even if it's just a few times a week for an hour, that's all the time you need to start seeing improvements (as long as you don't slack off)!

So with these tips in hand I hope you are ready for life as a college student after your senior year!  I give you my best wishes and hope that you will utilize these tips before it's too late (or at least use one or more of these tips when it is too late).  Hopefully you will be successful in college and graduate with flying colors!

Good luck!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Death Across Stories

Poe's life was enveloped in death.  Prime examples of death in Poe's life include his mother and his wife, Virginia.  When reading The Black Cat, Tell Tale Heart, and The Masque of the Red Death by Poe one can clearly see the death that appears in these three short stories.  One can branch off of death and relate all three stories to fear and emotion (intense emotion or lack of) as well.  When looking at these stories the main connection between death, fear, and emotion is that fear and emotion lead to death.  In the case of the Tell Tale Heart the narrator describes how the old man's vulture eye has led him to plan the old man's murder.  The narrator was unable to stand the old man's eye (this is emotion).  One can argue that this lead to the narrator becoming fearful of the old man's eye, but it depends on how one interprets the story.  In the end, the narrator's emotions led to the death (murder) of the old man.  In The Masque of the Red Death Prince Prospero locks him and his loyal subjects in an abbey to escape the Red Death.  The reason why the prince did this is because he feared the Red Death and did not want to get sick.  In the end the Red Death eventually makes its way into the abbey and kills the prince.  In this story the reason that death came about is due to the arousal of fear.  In The Black Cat the narrator killed his black cat and his wife.  From reading the story the audience learned that the narrator didn't have any motivation to kill his cat or wife, what led him to do that was that his emotions towards animals changed.  The narrator used to adore animals but as time wore on he began to be more irritable and emotionless towards his animals.  He eventually scooped the black cat's eye out due to him being intoxicated.  The narrator then hung the cat on a tree.  This is the first time the narrator had killed something.  The narrator eventually obtained another cat in which he tried to avoid because he began to want to kill the cat.  After almost tripping down the stairs the narrator ended up killing his wife instead of his cat.  The reason behind why the narrator ended up wanting to kill the cat is due to his lack of emotion.  One could argue the reason why the narrator didn't kill the second cat for so long was due to fear of killing the first cat.  The result was death no matter what.  In all three of Poe's short stories one could relate emotion and/or fear to be the main cause of death in the story.  Death was a major part of Poe's life, and it is clear to see this in these three short stories.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Twisted Murder

Pacing around a jail cell with no memory of what happened last night is not fun.  A pounding headache (due to a huge welt on my head), tattered clothing, and no idea where I am is rather stressful.  To keep my hands from shaking I shove my hands in my pockets.  At first they feel empty but a slight shift and I feel something in there.  I sit down on my concrete slab of a bed and empty the contents of my pocket on the small rusty table at the edge of the bed.  I spread the items out and take a look at what I got.
  • Airplane boarding pass
  • A business card (in another language)
  • A random key
  • A crumpled up piece of paper
  • A valet parking ticket
I looked at these items trying to figure out what went on last night.  I fell on the bed wincing as my head hit the pillow (more like a one-ply tissue).  What did I do?  I close my eyes trying to remember what I did last night.  My mind was a blank and my head hurt, I just wanted to sleep.  I tried to close my eyes and sleep but that didn't work all too well.  Small bursts of pain accompanied this and all I could think of was what happened.  Sitting up I decided to give each item a good look to see if I could recollect anything.

I started with the business card.  It was stiff which made me think it was expensive.  It was black with silver writing on it.  I ran my hand over it and instantly my mind went back to last night, but all I could make out of it was a blurry nighttime background and a blurry man standing in front of me.  I looked at the card, the soft yet rigid texture was what brought back the memory of last night.  I continued to examine the card.  I flipped it over, nothing but a small logo on the back.  I looked closer, an ellipse with a picture of a key inside of it.  I flipped it back over and decided to examine the words.  The words were written in what seemed like calligraphy, it was very beautiful.  It seemed like it was written in French.  Looking at the words I put them together to spell 'La Ville de la Loi'.  I whispered it under my breath and the same memory popped in my head, this time it was clearer though.  I was in a city, sitting at a table outside of a cafe.  Looking to my right I see cars passing by and a lot of foot traffic.  I look in front of me and see a man with black hair.  He had electric blue eyes and freckles grazing across his cheeks.  He had a slight chiseled look; overall he was handsome.  He smiled at me with his straight white teeth and said something that seemed to be in French.  I must have been in France!  Why was I in France though?  I put the card down and picked up the next object.

I picked up the airplane boarding pass in hopes of discovering where I was going.  I ran my fingers across the smooth and shiny paper.  It was white and black and had a type of bar code off to the left and all of my information regarding my flight.  I examined the boarding pass to find out I traveled from the Philadelphia International Airport to an airport in Paris, France!  I continued to examine the pass.  Terminal E, gate 13, departing time 7:30 AM, row 9A.  As I read this information small flashbacks ran through my mind.  I strung together the flashbacks and discovered that I seemed to be on a business trip.  I was dressed in business casual, carried a briefcase, and seemed to have an important agenda in mind (though I cannot remember what this was)!  I remember taking off into the sky and hours later arriving at an airport in Paris.  After leaving the plane and gathering my luggage the last thing I remember is calling for a taxi and getting in.  I placed the airplane boarding pass down and picked up the next object.

I picked up the valet parking ticket.  It was shaped like a pentagon but smooth around the edges.  It said Paris up top and the number 613 right below it.  When I saw the number a flashback hit me.  I had somehow managed to obtain a very expensive looking car.  I pulled up and got out of the car handing the valet my key.  I began to walk up to a museum looking building.  The flashback ended there.  I felt the paper, it was smooth and thin.  It was white with black glossy print.  I put the valet parking ticket down and reached for the next object.

I picked up the key and held it in my palm.  I flipped it over, feeling the cold metal against my skin.  It was the color of brass and larger than most keys.  They key seemed to be old, the ridges a bit worn down from excessive use.  The key was plain but when I ran my finger over it I remembered what happened after the taxi.  The museum like building turned out to be a hotel at which I checked in, quickly settled down and with my briefcase I headed out onto the streets of Paris.  I was walking down the street passing many unfamiliar faces.  I bumped into one and this key was purposely placed into my hand slyly.  I continued walking making a left and continued on my way (wherever that was).  I was back in my jail cell looking down at the key.  I looked at the bow of the key and noticed a marking that I recognized.  I picked up the business card and turned it around looking at the logo in the corner (the ellipse with a key in the middle).  I looked at the key and saw the same exact logo on the key.  The only difference was that the logo on the key was more ornate looking (small swirls interconnecting and such).  Another flashback came to me where I seemed to be in a part of Paris that was historical.  The buildings were all different, close together, and little foot traffic.  I walked into a light blue building and headed upstairs.  The building was abandoned, dust adorned the house, covering all of the antique furniture.  All of the doors were open upstairs except for one.  I walked towards it and stopped right before it.  I looked at the old doorknob and pulled out the key.  I inserted it into the lock and turned the key hearing a small click.  The door slowly swung open with a slight creak.  I walked in removing the key and put it back into my pocket.  There was someone standing by the open window.  the window scattered light across the room illuminating the particles of dust.  The curtains slightly waved as a nice breeze stirred the old air.  The person turned around.  I was once again back in the jail cell, my mouth slightly gaped open.  The man who turned around was the person at the cafe.

My head was spinning.  What was going on?  What was I getting involved in?  The last clue I had about what happened yesterday was the crumpled up piece of paper.  I sighed picking it up, hoping this would end all of my frustrations about not remembering anything.  The paper was stiff, it felt like parchment paper.  I slowly and carefully unraveled it, feeling paper run across my fingers and hearing the crisp paper brush against itself.  After unfolding it there were two things written in cursive in the center of the paper.  I put the paper on the table and read "Alexandre Beaumont".  At that moment everything came back.

I worked for a security company, well it's facade was a security company.  Most would call my an undercover agent, but I feel like that's a bit too much like television.  I go wherever my company sends me and do what ever they bid me (and that has a broad range).  Alexandre Beaumont (a companion of mine) and I were sent to Paris to complete a mission.  We each flew on separate flights and had our own mission to accomplish.  When I got into my hotel room I opened up the piece of paper to find his name written on it.  I had to eliminate Alex.  I gasped, feeling tears rush down my face.  I had to kill him, and I don't know if I could.  Knowing that I couldn't escape from this I decided to go about my mission, thinking of a way out.  I crumbled up my paper and shoved it in my pocket and walked outside.  A key was handed to me along with a small piece of paper by a random stranger.  The piece of paper had an address on it and I went to the place.  That's where I ended up at the light blue house.  I headed upstairs and unlocked the door with the key.  Alex turned around, he wasn't surprised to see me and I wasn't surprised to see him.

"I don't want to kill you," I blurted out.  He chuckled and walked up to me enveloping me in a hug.

"And I don't want to kill you," He answered.

"So what do we do?" I asked with an empty voice.  He let go of me holding onto my shoulders.

"We run away," I looked at him in awe. "But first, we go eat something in this beautiful city." He said smiling at me.  All I could do was nod.  What was going on?

We ended up at a cafe in Paris, eating outside on the patio.  We chatted and laughed, it almost made me forget about everything.  I had found a random business card on the table and was playing with it, twirling and fiddling with it.  I unconsciously threw it in my pocket as we stood up to leave.  Just as we stood up I heard a loud bang, a gun was fired up from the rooftops.  I don't know why I wasn't moving until I glanced down and saw that Alex had been shot in the heart.  I gasped, feeling tears stream down my face.  I looked at Alex's face which was looking down.  He looked up, his face drained of color.  He managed a small chuckle.

"They got me," He said.  He managed to collapse in the chair and I ran over to him and began to apply pressure to his would, yelling at him to stay with me.

"Hey, got out of here, you know what's happening.  Run, don't look back.  Go," He managed to say.  His head rolled back.  I couldn't leave him.  I shook him, crying and sobbing for him to come back.  Why did they have to take him?  What is going on?!  I heard police sirens and saw the cops pulling up and yanking me away from him.  I screamed and struggled to get out of their grasps only to end up getting hit on the head with something hard.  I ended up passing out.

Now I am here in a jail cell, crying.  My best friend had died, the company I worked for had killed him.  Why am I in jail though?  Just as I asked that the door slammed open.

"Get up, you're going on trial for the murder of Alexandre Beaumont."  All expressions left my face, I felt my face go pale, my limbs go numb.  I was set up for murder by the company I work for.  They set me up.  I didn't know what to do other than accept this fact.  I stood up and put my hands out and felt them put cuffs on me.  I followed them out of the cell and into the rest of my life as a convicted criminal.